11 Votes in Poll
11 Votes in Poll
I'm sure this Thomas is a knockoff, why? Fisher-Price shouldn't use this Thomas & Friends logo for its products. If'm wrong tell me, thanks!
Kana with her coaches
Thomas, Annie & Clarabel
Hiro & His Tender
Young Bao and His Tender
Emily With a Number 12 on both sides of her tender
Riff & Jiff
55 Votes in Poll
So did anyone create custom TM Sets in their free time? I did do you want to see them?
Do you guys know any big haul websites/sellers that aren't expensive and deliver to central europe ? I don't like buying engines separately
22 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
Smudger, one of the one-appearance characters from the show NEVER had a Trackmaster model. He will likely not have one after when the range redesigned in 2014, and renamed to Motorized in 2020.
However, It's possible to make a Trackmaster model of Smudger because he and Rheneas have the same shape. That same goes to all other toy models of Rheneas. Including but not limited to Take-Along, Bachmann, Bandai TECS, Nakayoshi and Capsule Plarail.
Do not revert them. Here are the edits.
2. Edward
3. Henry
4. Gordon
5. James
6. Percy
7. Toby
And of course,
8. Emily
Do not even revert them. Keep it like how I made it.
Recently saw this on Ebay. Its a counterfeit version of the trackmaster 2012 henry. I can tell because of the siderods. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Here's the ebay listing that i found it on https://www.ebay.com/itm/274733732016?hash=item3ff76810b0:g:lAYAAOSwb-FfSYfL
36 Votes in Poll
So I've been informed about these knockoff toys that look similar to the originals. They aren't those cheap sets with those generic train sounds or anything, they actually do look similar.
When I heard that DieselD199 owned a knockoff Dodge, I was interested and thought it might be cheaper than the real one.
As this post is being typed Tons of Trackmasters has recently posted a video about the knockoff Dodge. I wanted to find out more so I went and it turned out there were a bunch of these.
What are your thoughts on these? These are really intresting to me.
29 Votes in Poll