Thomas Motorized Wiki
This article is about Cranky and Bulstrode at the Harbour. You may be looking for Cranky at the Docks.

Cranky and Bulstrode at the Harbour is a Motor Road and Rail destination exclusive to Europe and Australia. An engine can automatically stop on the closest track to Cranky, who will start moving from side to side, then the engine continues. It includes two points rails.

Product Description[]

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Cranky and Bulstrode are busy at the quayside. When an engine stops by Cranky he goes into action as his crane arm moves from side to side and up and down. When his work is finished the engine automatically goes on its way. Flick the switch to stop and start engines from the other line. Bulstrode waits by the quay and has wheels for push-along play. Includes harbour terminal, shed and two points rails. Discover the large range of accessories to build and expand your own world of Thomas and Friends.


