Thomas Motorized Wiki
This article is about the destination. You may be looking for the set.

Knapford Station Celebration is a TrackMaster (HiT Toy Company) destination. It contains Knapford Station with a decorated celebration Thomas.

Product Description[]

Box description[]

A busy day at the big station!

Knapford is the biggest and busiest station on the Island of Sodor. An experienced station master is needed to keep things running smoothly. Connect the big station to any TrackMaster layout. Use the special track levers to stop engines at the station for pick-ups and deliveries. Then send them on their way again. Control up four engines at one time! It's easy to put a favorite story in motion with TrackMaster playsets and accessories.


  • In the box description, a "to" is missing between the sentence "Control up four engines at one time!".

