Thomas Motorized Wiki

Misty Island Deluxe Set is a TrackMaster (Fisher Price) set in the Misty Island Rescue series. It is a combination of Zip, Zoom and Logging Adventure and Shake Shake Bridge with Bash the Logging Loco and Dash the Logging Loco.

Product Description[]

Box description[]

Relive Thomas' most thrilling moments from the "Misty Island Rescue" DVD movie and create new adventures on Misty Island! Thomas chuffs along the tracks and up and through the tree trunks... he teeters and totters over fallen logs on bumpy track as he makes his way to Shake Shake Bridge... and as he wobbles across, the bridge rails collapse! When Thomas gets to Misty Island, he meets twin "Logging Locos" Bash and Dash who help him find his way home.


  • Thomas with Green Log Car
  • Bash with Red Wood Truck and Blue Brake van
  • Dash with Red and Blue Jobi Log Flatbeds
  • Shake Shake Bridge
  • Logging Mill
  • Zip Line Bridge
  • Hollow Tree Tunnel
  • Log Track Risers
  • Large oval of brown Misty Island track with inner loop and separate oval


  • On the back of the box, Bash and Dash are both misnamed.

