Thomas Motorized Wiki
This article is about the Motor Road and Rail destination. You may be looking for the TrackMaster destination.

The Sodor Engine Wash is a Motor Road and Rail and Plarail destination. An engine can stop at the engine wash, and a lever can be turned to move the soap bubbles across the side.

Product Description[]

UK box description[]

A fun accessory with 3 ways to play and keep Thomas clean after a hard day's work! 1) Thomas chugs through, as he's too busy for a wash! 2) Move the switch to "auto" so Thomas automatically stops inside the Engine Wash. Watch the brushes revolve and the water effect in the windows go up and down! 3) Move the switch to "manual" so Thomas stops inside and waits for you to turn the lever to wash him. Then, flick the switch to go to send him off to work again, gleaming! Discover the large range of accessories to build and expand your own world of Thomas & Friends.

US box description[]

Expand your existing sets with the Sodor Engine Wash!

After a hard day's work, Thomas and his friends need a place to clean up. As the Engines' drive up to the Engine Wash, watch as the brushes begin to spin, and "water" begins to spray! Flip the lever to release the Engines and off they go on a new adventure. The Sodor Engine Wash keeps Thomas and his Friends looking thier best while being Really Useful!


  • In the US box description, "their" is incorrectly spelled as "thier".


External Links[]
