Thomas Motorized Wiki
This article is about Talk 'n' Action Magic Rail James. You may be looking for Talking James.

Talk 'n' Action Magic Rail James (also known as Talking James [おしゃべりジェームス] in Japan and Talk 'n Action James in the US) is a Talk 'n' Action engine. It contains James with a Cattle Car, a Caboose, and six pieces of special green track which enable him to talk. American, British, and Japanese versions have been made.


UK version[]

  • "I'm James! Let's go!"
  • "I'm a really splendid engine!"
  • "I'm ready!"
  • "I'm ready! Off we go! That's it, I made it!"
  • "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Where's Thomas?"
  • "Where's Thomas?"
  • "I'm James! I'm a really splendid engine!"
  • "What a lark!"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "That's it, I made it!"

US version[]

  • "I'm James, and I'm the number 5 red engine."
  • "I'm the most splendid engine on the railway!"
  • "All aboard!"
  • "Sir Topham Hatt says I'm really useful."
  • "Only a splendid engine like myself should carry passengers."
  • "Right on time."
  • "OK, are we ready?
  • "Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!"


  • The UK Talk 'n' Action James is voiced by Michael Angelis. The US version is voiced by Robin Smith.
    • The US version also features his whistle sound from the fourth and fifth series.
  • The Japanese Talk 'n' Action James is voiced by Katsuji Mori.
  • Talk 'n' Action James is one of three Talk 'n' Action engines to be released outside of Japan.

