Thomas Motorized Wiki

Talking Edward (known in Japan as More Talkative Edward [もっとおしゃべりエドワード]) is a Plarail and TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) Talking Engine.


Image: Range: Released: Notes
Plarail May 2005
  • Known as More Talkative Edward
  • With Sodor Mail coach
  • Permanently attached to Sodor Mail coach with sound triggering buttons
  • Responds to movements such as slopes
TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) 2013
  • Dome button with phrases, whistle sounds, and voices heard randomly when moving
TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) 2013
  • Front wheels raised


TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) (US)[]

  • "Edward the steady is at the ready! (Peep Peep)"
  • "Don't worry, Steady Eddie will get the job done!"
  • "(Peep) Excuse me, I'm in a bit of a hurry."
  • "(Peep Peep)"
  • "I’m busy now, but I’ll be back to help."

TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) (UK)[]

  • "Hello there, I'm Edward (Peep Peep)"
  • "I'm the number two blue engine."
  • "(Peep) Oh! Excuse me, I'm in a bit of a hurry."
  • "(Peep Peep)"
  • "I’m busy now but I’ll be back to help."
  • "A steady engine, is a really useful engine."


  • The 2004 Plarail Talking Edward is voiced by Yasuhiro Takato.
    • He also has his whistle sound from the fourth and fifth series.
  • The TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) version of Talking Edward is voiced by William Hope in the US, and by Keith Wickham in the UK.
  • A TrackMaster (Revolution) Talking Edward was going to be released, but this was cancelled for unknown reasons.

