Thomas Motorized Wiki

Each Day will revall an Item from the following ranges.

DAY 1[]


Item: Thomas Medium Set

One of the sets that started it all.

All was quiet at Elsbridge Station, but Thomas was an early riser. He yawned and waited patiently for his driver to couple up Annie and Clarabel. "How about an early morning trip round the track to the new drawbridge?" suggested Thomas. "What a good idea" exclaimed Annie and Clarabel together. When the signal turned green, off they chugged. "There it is!" peeped Thomas, as they approached the red drawbridge. The little engine wheeeshed across the drawbridge then headed back towards Elsbridge, just in time to collect his passengers.

DAY 2[]


Item: Sodor Lumber Yard

One of the First TrackMaster sets, starring Skarloey the #1 Narrow Gauge Engine.

Calling all lumberjacks! Skarloey is working hard at the Sodor Lumber Yard and he needs help! Lift the logs up on the lumber crane so they can tumble down into the awaiting cargo car. Then send Skarloey on his way and over the suspension bridge so he can make his delivery on time.

DAY 3[]


Item: Talking Percy Expansion Kit

Use this kit to expand your existing sets!

Use this Talking Percy Expansion Kit to bring added excitement to all existing Thomas & Friends Battery Operated Road and Rail Sets. Watch Percy as he twists and turns around your new layout. Best of all, when Percy crosses one of his magical green track pieces, he'll speak to you!

DAY 4[]


Item: Bill and Ben Harbor Friends Set

Next stop, the harbor!

Bill & Ben are twins, identical in every respect. The most mischievous characters of the whole railway family, Bill and Ben drive the senior engines to distraction. Cranky the Crane has a high and mighty attitude which often annoys the Engines. He enjoys teasing them because, he says, it makes for good working relationships! Bulstrode is an old, bad mannered, sea-going barge. He's only happy when he's chugging around with a full load, otherwise, he's grumpy and rude. These four characters are in one set that can make any Thomas & Friends Motorized Railway Set an even bigger adventure!

DAY 5[]


Item: Proteus

A legendary narrow gauge tank engine.

Proteus was a very old engine from the hills of Sodor with a lamp that was so bright you could see it for miles. Legend has it that the lamp was magic and if any engine ever found it, their wishes would come true.

DAY 6[]


Item: Elsbridge Station Crossing

An accessory designed to connect to both rail and roadway track.

Elsbridge Station is buzzing with activity. Bulgy waits patiently at the crossing for Thomas to pass. "Hello, Bulgy" puffs Thomas, "have a good day!" The crossing gates open and Bulgy hurries off to pick up his passengers.

DAY 7[]


Item: Talk 'n' Action Magic Rail Set

Little engines can do big things!

Thomas talks! Travel the Island of Sodor with Thomas, Annie and Clarabel as they journey through tunnels, around curves and visit stations. The special green track activates Thomas to say one of the seven phrases so you can experience first hand the excitement of daily life on the Island. All you need are 3 AA batteries and an active imagination for hours and hours of fun with the Thomas Talk 'n Action Set!

DAY 8[]


Item: Railway Expansion Kit

A 21-Piece Kit featuring Diesel.

Oily, scheming and ever ready to stir up trouble in the shed, Diesel's characteristic smirk is a sure sign that somebody, somewhere, is in for a bit of trouble. Contains Diesel (requires 1 C Battery), Milk and Fuel Tankers, Sir Topham Hatt, Workman, Driver, a tunnel, drawbridge, six straight rails, a stop rail, four curved rails and two trees.

DAY 9[]


Item: Duck's Power Line Repair

Contains Duck with Power Cable Car and Sodor Electric Wagon with Telegraph Poles.

Duck, whose real name is Montague, runs a branch line just like Thomas, but has help from Oliver. He is a cheerful, busy engine who accepts no nonsense from the larger engines who try to order him about.

DAY 10[]


Item: Boulder and Thumper

An accessory with a rock quarry scene, Boulder, and Thumper. When an engine stops at the destination, Thumper rotates from side to side causing the Boulder to move.

Although Thumper was built by the Sodor Mining Company to speed up operations, Thumper often goes out of control, causing minor disruptions when he works with Rusty. His manner is cool, and no job is too big for him. One day, he caused the Boulder to go on a destructive rampage, and ultimately forced the quarry’s closure.

DAY 11[]


Item: Rattle and Shake Coal Hopper

When Rusty stops at the coal hopper, the engine powered coal hopper will rattle and drop a coal piece into the included truck.

Rusty has an important job to do! He must collect coal from the coal hopper for the steam engines' fireboxes.

DAY 12[]


Item: Bertie Motor On The Road Set

Six layouts can be created with this set.

Bertie a single-decker front entrance bus drives along the road. Features include sloping and T-shape road track to form six different layouts. Discover the large range of accessories to build and expand your own world of Thomas & Friends.

DAY 13[]


Item: Spin and Fix Thomas

The biggest repair yard on the Island of Sodor!

When Thomas' trucks prove to be too heavy, his brakes fail and he soars into a forgotten siding. There, Thomas discovers Hiro, one of the oldest engines on the Island of Sodor. But before Thomas can help his new friend, he needs to repair his brakes at the Sodor Steamworks - the newest and biggest repair yard on the Island! Guide Thomas into the lift and use the claw to pick him up and move him to the repair area. Use the spinner to turn Thomas and make your repairs. A light-up tool with real welding sound effects helps to get the job done! It's easy to put a favorite story in motion with TrackMaster playsets and accessories.

DAY 14[]


Item: Lady and Diesel 10 Chasing Set

Based on Thomas and the Magic Railroad.

Diesel 10 is going after Lady! Use the points to change Lady's direction. Features an automatic Turn Out Rail for changing direction if you don't want to change the points with your hands.

DAY 15[]


Item: James Busy as a Bee

Based on The Green Controller.

Sir Topham Hatt is sick and makes Percy the controller for a day. When Percy tells James to be a "busy bee," James mistakenly gets a new coat of yellow-and-black paint. When children laugh at him, James feels less than splendid.

DAY 16[]


Item: Donald and Douglas Snowplow Train Set

Based on The Deputation.

Snow has fallen on the Island of Sodor, and Donald and Douglas are used to these conditions and do a good job of clearing the lines. When they came to Henry's rescue, the other engines give the twins their full support.

DAY 17[]


Item: Toby and the Clown Car

Contains Toby, action track with a pop out truck and Clown car

The circus is in town and Toby has to deliver the clown car. When Toby hits a bump, the clown car launches out of the cargo car!

DAY 18[]


Item: Bumper Road and Rail Extension Pack

A bucket of 52 pieces that make a complete set

All this track and road can be used to create your own set, or add to existing sets. Add a train engine. Add an accessory. Build your own Thomas & Friends world just the way you want it! The possibilities are endless.

DAY 19[]


Item: Roller Coaster Mountain

A destination that comprises of a mountain with three steep sloped pieces, a castle, and flag. An engine can ascend the spiral, then race down the steep straight slope at a high speed.

What an exciting ride Thomas & Friends will have with this brilliant accessory! There are three tunnels to chug through, and a high mountain to climb with its own castle on top. As Thomas goes round the final bend there's another big surprise ahead - he whizzes full speed down the roller coaster slope! Discover the large range of accessories to build and expand your own world of Thomas & Friends.

DAY 20[]


Item: Shooting Star Gordon

Includes Streamlined Gordon with a streamlined blue and red express coach.

Gordon is strong, physically and mentally, so sometimes he seems wise beyond his years. During the Great Race, Gordon was selected by Sir Topham Hatt to participate in the Great Race and was temporarily streamlined for the event.

DAY 21[]


Item: Ryan and Skiff

Includes Ryan, Skiff and a yellow truck.

Featured in the movie, "Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure", Ryan takes over for Thomas when the No. 1 blue engine is sent to work on another branch line. With his railboat Skiff, Ryan is a really unique addition to your collection of Really Useful Engines!

DAY 22[]


Item: Wobbly Suspension Bridge Set

A set with a bridge that shakes whenever an engine enters it.

Thomas has to get across an unusual shaking bridge as he makes his way to his destionation. While Thomas wobbles across the bridge, the rails shake!

DAY 23[]


Item: Patchwork Hiro

A Thomas Town exclusive limited edition engine.

When Thomas ran into an old siding, he discovers Hiro, an old Japanese engine who has broke down. Hiro was eventually taken to the Steamworks and fully restored, before being sent to his homeland.

DAY 24[]


Item: Thomas' Christmas Delivery

A set with an 11 foot layout which can fit around a Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas from Thomas and his friends! Thomas is ready to bring holiday cheer to everyone on Sodor. He passes the toy shop, the school, children skating on the pond, and the beautifully lit Christmas tree as he delivers gifts all around the island!

DAY 25[]


Item: Diamond Anniversary Thomas

A variant of Thomas with diamond color scheme, being the traditional 75th anniversary gift. It also comes a 75th Anniversary logo coin.

To celebrate over 75 years, Little engineers will love sending Thomas into all sorts of new adventures!!