Thomas Motorized Wiki
Thomas Motorized Wiki

Zip, Zoom and Logging Adventure is a TrackMaster (Fisher Price) set in the Misty Island Rescue series. Thomas can go on the zip line which transports him to the other side of the rails. He can also go to the engine powered Log Mill, where the log cutter is used to "split" and drop the logs back into Thomas' cargo car.

Product Description[]

Box description[]

Relive Thomas' most thrilling moments from the "Misty Island Rescue" DVD movie and create new adventures on Misty Island! Thomas chuffs along the tracks and up and through the tree trunks!

Send Thomas zooming down the "zip-line" bridge or over to the logging mill where Thomas powers the working conveyor belt! Unload the logs and watch them be carried up to the top of the logging mill. Then use the log cutter to "split" and drop the logs back into Thomas' cargo car.


  • Thomas with Green Log Car
  • Log Mill
  • Zip Line
  • Hollow Tree Tunnel
  • Log Track Risers
  • Oval of track with inner oval


  • This set was originally going to be titled Zip 'n Zoom Logging Adventure.
  • The set's manual states that the following engines are incompatible because of the Zip Line:

Interestingly, this was tested before the TrackMaster (Fisher-Price) release of Hank, while Murdoch and Mighty Mac were never re-released. That means this set would have been tested with the TrackMaster (HiT Toy Company) engines as this was the first full year that Fisher-Price released TrackMaster.

  • This set also has a simple layout configuration.

